The MWCC is committed to connecting union workforces to impactful educational opportunities. We help businesses take advantage of classes and trainings, and work to ensure our members have the tools they need to stay at the forefront of the wall and ceiling industry.
Information & Support
In order to help our members take advantage of enriching educations programs, we've created a reimbursment program that covers class fees and costs.
Reimbursment is easy. Just sign up for the class you'd like to take, finish it to satisfaction, then submit the completion form.
You can find information about current classes and reimbursment opportunities below. And if you have questions about a class, please feel free to send a message to our association office.

Members & Community
The MWCC is made up of one of the finest union labor forces in the midwest. Powered by seasoned leadsership, our members work to create a strong, safe, and welcoming construction industry.